Meet the WCG Team!

Stephen Williams

Stephen grew up in the Southeast and cut his teeth as a climber on the steep sandstone in West Virginia and Kentucky. He has since travelled throughout North America to climb and ski. Stephen started guiding professionally in 2015 and he regularly guides in Colorado, Alaska, Washington, California and Argentina. A strong all-around climber, Stephen’s personal experience includes big alpine routes in the Alps and Alaska Range, long rock routes in the desert Southwest, demanding ice climbs in the Canadian Rockies, and technical ski descents in the Tetons. Stephen is an AMGA Certified Rock and Alpine Guide.

Certified American Mountain Guides Association - Rock Guide
Certified American Mountain Guides Association - Alpine Guide

Nik Mirhashemi

Hailing from southwest Colorado, Nik grew up between the rugged San Juan Mountains and the sandstone canyon country of the Colorado Plateau. He started guiding in the pacific northwest in 2014 on Mt. Rainier and the North Cascades and eventually expanded to working in the Alaska Range, the Tetons and back to his roots in the San Juans and Southeast Utah. Nik has a strong passion for alpine climbing and backcountry skiing, which has taken him to places like the Peruvian Andes, Canadian Rockies and the Himalaya to pioneer new routes. Nik is an AMGA certified Rock and Alpine Guide.

Certified American Mountain Guides Association - Alpine Guide
Certified American Mountain Guides Association - Rock Guide

John Collis

John grew up on the mean streets of New Jersey and has been guiding professionally since 2013. His first experiences climbing outdoors took place out west on the crumbly sandstone towers of the Colorado Springs area, which is perhaps why he still holds a special place in his heart for adventurous choss. John has guided rock, ice, and alpine routes in areas across the western states and typically spends time every season both working and climbing personally in the Washington Cascades, Alaska, and the desert of southwest Utah, the last of which which he considers his favorite place on earth. When not climbing John can typically be found sleeping or eating. John is an AMGA Certified Rock and Alpine Guide.

Certified American Mountain Guides Association - Alpine Guide
Certified American Mountain Guides Association - Rock Guide
Peggy guiding in the Tetons

Peggy Flavin

Originally from Chicago, Peggy first discovered outdoor rock climbing at Devil’s Lake, WI in her teens. She’s spent years climbing in world-class alpine and rock destinations all over the U.S. and beyond. She started rock guiding in the Southeast but eventually moved to Jackson, WY to pursue alpine guiding in the Tetons, Alaska, and Washington. Some of her  favorite venues to climb and guide at are the Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Grand Teton National Park, and the Alaska Range. She’s also spent a lot of time exploring the desert and loves to show people her favorite climbing spots in Moab and Red Rocks. Peggy is an AMGA certified Rock Guide and Apprentice Alpine Guide.

Certified American Mountain Guides Association - Rock Guide